Dec 31, 2009

R1/D6 menu

Another beautiful day :D sun is shining and flesh is dropping :O)

I managed to lose 3.5 kgs so far (mashallah).

Today's menu is interesting:
  • M1 - 1/2 low fat milk
  • M2 - Bowl of Oatmeal
  • M3 - Yogurt (not sure if i will go for the small size or medium sized ones yet)
  • M4 - Banana milkshake! (Yum!)
I am looking forward to tomorrow's menu, I am planning to combine more then one item per meal, since it's a weekend and it should be easily manageable. 

Alright then, that is the menu of the day...

R1/ D5 status

Yesterday went great! I managed to drink a reasonable amount of water and had a lovely cooked chicken, thanks to my wife :D

Dec 30, 2009

R1/ D5 menu

What a day, been fully occupied with work and had only a little time to spare.

Today's menu is richer then my previous two days and is as follows:

  • M1 - 1/2 Low fat milk @ 0830.
  • M2 - 2 medium sized Red Apples @ 1200.
  • M3 - 5 slices of Roast beef @ 1510.
  • M4 - Chicken (Not sure yet in which style it will be cooked with).
Chicken is finally on the menu, its the end of the week and it should be a good meal to have after a long day of work, especially the last day of work for 2009!

I usually have Chicken and sausage on the same menu and since I work I choose sausage, since it is easier to manage.

Water intake was not high at all, just 1 or was it 2 glasses of water? I think it was a single lonely glass. 

*Goes to fill his cup with water*

*Gulp, gulp...

R1/ D4 status

I can't remember yesterday, what did I do? I know that I went to work, what next? I went back home, and then? Oh! I took my car for service, I should call them to check all is good and in order for me to pick it up tonight. 

Ok back on track, yesterday menu went well, expectation that I had a late 4th meal again (I should stop doing that!)

And drink more water... so far my water intake is not exceeding 7 glasses of water, though I am supposed to take in 8-10!

The tuna salad was lovely, tuna + tomato+ a little of a fat free Italian sauce... 

Dec 29, 2009

The Title

Had an discussion yesterday with my friend on the title of the blog, especifically the word "Flesh", he insisted that it was a wrong usage of the language or something similar to that context, (probably he will come here and correct me if he meant something else :p).

To me it makes total sense and has a good sound to it as well, including from a language prospective...

To further investigate here are some of the definitions of the word "Flesh":
1. the soft substance of a human or other animal body, consisting of muscle and fat.
2. muscular and fatty tissue.
3. the body, esp. as distinguished from the spirit or soul: The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
4. fatness; weight.
5. the physical or animal nature of humankind as distinguished from its moral or spiritual nature: the needs of the flesh.
6. the surface of the human body; skin: A person with tender flesh should not expose it to direct sunlight.
I think he probably was referring to point 6. Which I agree with him on the meaning, however I meant point 1,2 and 4. Which is all about fat and weight.

In addition, there are different ways to use the word, like in point 3 and 5.

Either way, it was a good opportunity to refresh my thoughts on the word...

R1/ D4 menu

Same menu of yesterday, should I get bored? Well I keep telling myself... mind over matter... mind over matter...

So far it works and somehow I can eat the same things again and again and again...

Today's menu:
  • M1 - 1/2 L Low fat milk @ 0850 (Done)
  • M2 - 5 slices of Roast Beef @ 1130 
  • M3 - 4 pieces of Sausage @ 1500
  • M4 - Tuna Salad (Tuna + Tomatoes) @ ? (Still hopefully before 2200)
Having these food is convenient, since none of them requires cooking, (sausage is heated up with the microwave). Looking forward to the weekend, where I can select eggs, chicken and other cooked things. Hopefully they will fall on the menu's of that day...

R1/ D3 status

It's a beautiful day!

All went well yesterday, except that I took the last meal around mid night. Hopefully not much impact that will do.

Dec 28, 2009

The program #3

What else, what else...
  • Despite what I show in my menu's, however the program offers 2-3 different items per meal, which I can eat them all together or select one. Personally, I usually select one.
  • The downside of the program is that it doesn't give any hints on exercising, which is obviously something important, however they probably ignored that aspect, since the program is designed to be exercise free and for those who have no time to exercise at all.
  • The idea is all about the pattern in which we eat (obvious), though the body is quite smart and once he adopts to our pattern, it starts to store fat when it sees fit!
What they say about the program:
  • Low calorie diet do not work
    • "Because your metabolism will detect any major drop in calories and it will then ADJUST ITSELF by burning fewer calories each day".
  • Low fat diet do not work
    • A lot of people adopt a low fat lifestyle, yet it doesn't really prevent them from getting fat.
  • Low carb diet makes you miserable
    • "since they drain out your energy...they could be very strict..."
So what is the trick of this program, I mentioned it earlier as well; its "Calorie Shifting"!

"Quote" Your body always "attempts" to burn the exact number of calories that you eat each day (this makes weight loss nearly impossible for many people).

However, through careful testing we've made a discovery about the human body.

We've discovered that the human body takes several days to "sense" any change in calories -- so if you SHIFT your calories (in a VERY special way)then your body gets "confused" and begins burning extra fat tissue (but only if you follow our carefully tested eating pattern).

That's the "TRICK" which allows our diet to force SUPER FAST weight loss to happen....and that's why our diet works so much faster than other diets. "Unquote"

All this made sense to me and so I got it and it worked! Yet due to human error, I have to re-do it again...

R1/ D3 menu

This should be a good day, the menu is reasonable and should keep my hunger at bay. Though I must say again, the urges and cravings are still taunting me and are waiting to be unleashed!

Today's menu:

  • M1 - 1/2 L Low fat milk @ 0850 (Done)
  • M2 - 5 slices of Roast Beef @ 1200 
  • M3 - 4 pieces of Sausage @ 1600
  • M4 - Tuna Salad (Tuna + Tomatoes) @ ? (Hopefully before 2200)

hmm, day 4 menu is identical, I should increase my choices of food for the next round.

R1/ D2 status

That was a tough day!  I barely made it.

First 3 meals went fine, though I made a mistake by eating meal 4 about 7 PM, I was hypnotised and thought it was meal 3!

I got home after a long day of work and college around 9.30, I was looking forward to my 4th meal and BAM! I realised that I already ate it...

Either way, I was tired and dropped asleep in an instant! Didn't wake up until this morning.

Anyway, the day is over and hopefully day 8, which I consider harder will be somehow easier this time around.

Dec 27, 2009

R 1 / D 2 Menu

Today's menu:
  • Meal 1: Bread with Roast beef.
  • Meal 2: 1 big apple.
  • Meal 3: 2 oranges.
  • Meal 4: 1 big apple.
Meal 1 @ 0910
Meal 2 @ 1140+
Meal 3 @ 1600
Meal 4 @ 2100

Day 2 is focused on fruits, it isn't usually an easy day, though manageable.
* Need to drink more water!

Dec 26, 2009

The program #2

As I mentioned earlier it is quite a straight forward program.

  • You use the menu generator and select the food you like and from it your menu is generated for the whole duration.
  • It's a 4 meals per day program.
  • 8-10 glasses of water intake is expected.
  • The food varies from vegeterian to white and red meat and fruit, basically a whole mixture of them all.
  • It's whole idea is about tricking our metabolism and not making it too comfortable, since once it is aware of our eating habits it stores the fat and all. However with this diet, the whole shuffle of food makes it tricked into not doing that, hence allows our body to loss the weight.
  • meals should be spaced out with minimum 2 and 1/2 hour.
  • Another cool thing is that you can eat as much as you want! Well as long as you don't feel full.
Will talk more later about the program with reference to text from it that has all the gibberish about how it all works...

R 1/ D1 status

What a long day it was! It feels good to be on the diet again finally. Though my body is more or less in shock, since it is missing what it craves and wants, fast food, soft drinks and chocolate!

Water in take was not very high, I keep forgetting it...

Last time around round one was my best round, which I lost 5 kgs in it. I hope I can accomplish at least that this time around as well.

Round 1 / Day 1

Today's menu:

  • Meal 1: 1/2 L low fat milk.
  • Meal 2: 4 pieces of sausage.
  • Meal 3: Roast Beef.
  • Meal 4: 4 pieces of sausage.
Already had meal 1 @ 0850
Meal 2 @ 1150
Meal 3 scheduled @ 1500
Meal 4 planned @ 2100

So far, so good! I feel like I am fasting. "It actually feels good", said the dieter on the 1st day

The program #1

It's from, I will be writing more about it later on. The key aspect, which I like about the program is that they setup a food selection menu (I get to select what I want to eat) of course from a list of items they pre-selected and all I have to do is select and the menu is generated for me.

The program is for 11 days, and you keep repeating it for as long as you want until you reach your goal.

Another beauty is that after the 11 days you have to take a 3 days break, which you can basically eat in them anything you want as long as you don't get wild!

If you checked the website let me know what you think of it...

The big plan!

The plan is simple, follow the program and reach the goal.

Current weight: 101 kgs.

Target weight: 75 kgs.

Timeline: 5 months (May 2009)

Inspired by the story behind; "Julie and Julia" (The movie)

What didn't happen!

Back in Dec 2008, just about now last year, I realised it was about time to get serious about lossing some weight, or it was more like I reached a point that I didn't want to cross...

For years, I have been steady around 75-80 kgs, however through 2007 and 2008 I went up to 95 kgs for the first time in my life, since I never crossed the 80 kgs line.

Back to Dec 2008, I decided to follow a program, something that I find sensible, practical and healthy. I happened to stubble upon and the name itself amused me, went through it's concepts and I was sold!

So I got my program and paying for it was another motivation to get it started. It actually worked, though one can argue any other program would of worked as well, nevertheless I managed to loss 24 kgs in about 4 months.

Time line:
Started: Jan 2009 with 95 kgs on my back.
Finished: April 2009 with 76 kgs off my back!

Downside: I didn't follow through, I was supposed to balance out my eating habits after the program, do some exercise...etc.. .nothing was done and I went back to my old habits. Little did I know, I was back on 95 kgs in Sep 2009, which I consider a proof that the program was decent, since it took me about the same time to gain back all that fat again.

Anyway, now its Dec 2009 and here I am again, re-starting the program again, mentally it is extremely annoying, since I sadly been here before. However it is even worst now.