Jan 6, 2010

R1/Day off 1

Woohoo! Eat anything, drink anything... what a feeling! The old desires are unlocked; the cravings are unleashed looking for the tasteful to grab and eat...

hmm, I sound like a monster... well, its my holiday off the diet, I say I shall treat myself well.

I lost 5.5 kgs, Alhamdullah.

So far I had
- 1/2 a mug of tea with milk (I have a big mug).
- one long bread chicken sandwich for breakfast.
- 2 pieces of chocolate.
- A good amount of Mandi (Type of rice dish mixed with red meat or chicken, I had rice with red meat).
- Drank two cups of pepsi.

and will be going out with family for dinner, will most likely have a light meal and dessert.

I do not think I will be eat anything else today, and will be keeping the habit of drinking water.

Am I pushing it? Well that is the idea of the cheat days! I might gain back 1 to 1.5 kg, though that is totally fine, since it is part of the process...


  1. Tell me about it! The first round is always the highest in losing, from now on it will get slower.

  2. Gosh pepsi and all got me in an 0.o look on my face. Is it okay to have soft drinks and all that?! I mean okay its cheat day but isn't it all about discipline as well?

  3. Well, I admit I went a little over board, though to answer it is OK. A cheat day is all about being free to eat and drink anything.
