Jan 2, 2010

R1/ D8 menu

4 more days to go! And 1.5 kgs for this month to achieve it's 5 kg per month objective. I believe I will be able to make it, I hope I can go beyond it as well.

Today's menu is all about vegetables!

  • M1 - M4 = 1 cucumber, 1 carrot and 1 tomato each.
Will have the first two meals at work and the last two at home. Based on my previous diet, this amount was enough for each meal to make me feel satisfied. Should be another interesting yet challenging day.

It still feels good to be on diet.


  1. Gosh that's tough..!! Good luck mate.

  2. Thanks! two meals down and surprisingly it was difficult to finish each portion! I was getting near full, though didn't reach it. Probably cause vegetables have a lot of water.

  3. I laughed at my sis when she said 5kgs a month. I guess i take my words back! Good luck!! You can do it!
    Cherry :)

  4. It's definitely do able!

