Apr 17, 2010

Round 9

Well I gained back 1.5 kgs! (Said sarcastically)

So 81.5 kgs and 6.5 kgs to go.

This round plan is to drop 3 kgs, and reach 78.5 kgs.

Hopefully this will be my 2nd to last round.

Let's see how stubborn the fats will be this round. (Said in wonder)


I plan to spice the blog up by posting the cost associated with this round. So will go back to posting daily on the day by day cost and by the end it should sum up to the cost an average cost of each round.

Should be interesting! (Said excitedly)


  1. Interesting...!!
    Waiting for the cost update to see if many can afford it.

  2. I believe it's affordable, yet again it all depends on what kind of food each would like.

    To me my selection of food is based on convenience more than anything else.
