Feb 6, 2010

Green Tea and weight loss

Green tea catechins linked to weight loss: Study

Antioxidant compounds in green tea could help promote exercise-induced abdominal fat loss, according to a new study from the American Society of Nutrition.

The researchers concluded: “The findings of this study suggest that consumption of a beverage containing green tea catechins (625mg/d) may enhance exercise-induced loss of abdominal fat and improve circulating FFA and TG levels. Additional research is warranted to further clarify the mechanisms responsible for these effects.”


I usually drink tea with milk on my non diet days, however drinking green tea can do well in diet days, since its mostly water as well, which I have to drink anyway.

I tried it few times earlier, though the taste isn't that great. Though with a little mental illusions I can image it is the normal tea and won't have an issue with the taste. That I shall do.

After a quick search, it is recommended to not exceed 3 cups per day, which is more than fine with me.


  1. I never knew that drinking green tea could help you to reduce your weight. This is very helpful information. I guess green tea weight loss is one of the best diet plans. I think I’ll try it out.

  2. It is definitely something worth consider. Thanks for dropping by.
